Terrifying password stats that show your business is at risk

Cyber threats are a daily problem for businesses of all sizes. Everyone knows the risks, but despite all the news reports and constant warnings, trends demonstrate a huge hike in data breaches and hacks over recent years.


Perhaps the most worrying thing is that the UK Cyber Survey found that 42% of British people actually expect to lose money to online fraud.


That means we’re totally aware of the risks of poor password management, but we still refuse to do anything to prevent them. The National Cyber Security Centre survey revealed even more worrying facts, including:

  • Only 15% of users know how to protect themselves from cyber crime
  • 89% of people make online purchases with the same passwords
  • One in three people rely on friends and family to keep them updated about cyber security
  • 30% of people never lock their mobile devices because re-entering passwords gets on their nerves

Download your free guide

Take a look through our password guide to see some more terrifying statistics and our top 12 rules to follow to help secure your business.


Need advice or support?

Dragon IS is an IT support company based in Milton Keynes. We work with small and medium sized businesses, helping them with a broad range of issues relating to their IT systems, processes and procedures.  From expert advice and guidance, to introducing systems that can effectively scaleup with a growing business, call us for an informal chat on 01908 613 080 or email info@dragon-is.co.uk


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