Did you know that 61% of British people now look online before making a purchase or choosing a supplier? Every single one of those people is leaving a footprint on the internet that gives businesses like yours some fascinating clues that can really help grow their companies.
But many think that because we’re talking about Big Data, it’s only relevant to big companies. Not true. Everyone – even your business – can learn a lot from Big Data. It’s just about learning how.
It costs small to medium businesses a lot of time and resources to collect and create data, so it’s important to understand how to make good use of it.
Business intelligence software makes it far easier for businesses to collect and use their data in a meaningful way and facilitate effective communication with customers. The customer journey is now easy to map, allowing companies to predict spending habits and use that info to inform effective marketing campaigns.
Everything from a simple spreadsheet to cloud based data warehouses can be classed as business intelligence, and you don’t even need to keep your information in physical files anymore. Take a look at our short video below to find out more..