Loads of people find it difficult to get their head round the concept of cloud computing. So we’ve written a new guide explaining it in a non-techy, non-jargony way. According to the Cloud Industry Forum, 62% of UK businesses are switching to cloud computing services. But what does that actually mean? If you don’t know, don’t worry. You’re not alone.
So many business owners hear a term like “the cloud” and nod sagely as if they understand. But inside they’re thinking “er… yes I kind of know what that’s about, but I couldn’t explain it to someone else”. And if you can’t explain something, you don’t really understand it. Which means you can’t use it to your advantage.
Put simply, the cloud is all about accessing your data and applications through the internet and your web browser rather than having your own server. Chances are you’re already using it every day and you don’t even realise. Online banking, Facebook – that’s all done via the public cloud.
The really great benefit of cloud computing is it allows small businesses to grow and keep up with the very latest technology, without spending a fortune.
We’ve made a short video to watch our short video which tells you all you need to know about the cloud…