Data & Analysis

Getting Things Done with Office 365 Data and Analysis Tools

We take a look at five great tools for managing and analysing data  that can help you and your staff get more done, in less time.

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Time to update Windows 7

Why you must replace your Windows 7 machines now

In January 2020, Windows 7 will reach the end of its life. We explain why it’s such a problem, and why you mustn’t wait till long to replace your old tech…

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how to spot spear phishing scams

How to Spot Phishing Attacks and Avoid Them

Spotting phishing scams is not always easy, which is exactly how the scammers keep going, but here are some ways to avoid falling prey to phishing attacks.

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top tech trends 2019

The Top Technology Trends for 2019

From the evolution of AI and the introduction of new technologies like 5G and facial recognition, Dragon’s MD Lionel Naidoo rounds up the top technology trends set to make an impact in 2019.

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Why fines and new cyber-threats keep GDPR in the spotlight for 2019

With ICO’s increasing fining activities and a new wave of cyber-threats looming, you need to sort your cyber-security and GDPR compliance for 2019. Get started by downloading with our Special Q&A guide to GDPR.

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10 of The Best Blogs on Productivity

We round up 10 of our favourite productivity blogs on Productivity. All of which offer invaluable advice to help you keep on track!

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Video Guide: How to create presentations using Sway

Did you know that if you’re using Office 365 or Windows 10, there is a fast and easy way to tell your story? It’s called Sway and our latest vlog we’ll show you how to create your own Sway presentation in 7 simple steps.

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Productivity time wasters

Top four time wasters killing your productivity

Time Management and Productivity Coach Clare Evans reveals the top time wasters that kill productivity and how to deal with them.

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effective productivity hacks

Effective Productivity Tricks To Try at Work

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the huge number of tasks you are required to do every day? Here are a number of effective ways in which you can improve productivity in the workplace.

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The 2020 Problem

Are you ready for the 2020 problem?

In 2020, some of the most commonly used business software is coming to the end of its life. We call this The 2020 Problem and we’ve written a guide all about it.

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